OUT NOW> JEANS TEAM “Bomberjäeckchen” ALK 2 – 2/2. The Remixes

Today is the day. The 2nd part of Jeans Team’s “Bomberjaeckchen” maxi single with remixes by Marc Acardipane and Rework is being released! They will be available on the usual digital download sites (Alkomerz, Juno, Itunes… ).
There is also a free download for our closer friends and followers. To download the tracks all you need to do is visit our website and subscribe to our newsletter. If you are already suscribed you will not get forthcoming newsletters twice. Double entries are automatically deleted.
Don’t forget to watch the new videoclip for Marc Acardipane’s Remix on Electronic Beats Magazine! It’s BOMBERJACKIN’ time!!!
In our blog you can find 2 exclusive interviews with Marc (Deutsch) and Rework (English).
Phone is ringing: “Hi, this is Marc Acardipane!…” Finally! It’s him! We are super excited. Our coversation takes more than 2 hours. We tried to reach him since weeks to ask him to do the remix. He was clearly the nº 1 candidate for this song. And it prooved to be just right. His remix is excactly what we desired. An energetic dance floor track tweeking along with acid layers. It jumps at you like a friendly young doberman.
Just great! Best quality! Free and easy.
OK. It was a fatal day somewhere in the middle of the 10’s when THE BAG!!! vanished. Reimo had left his appartment door open to bring down the trash. And that’s when it must have happened. Some idiot tiptoed into his hallway and grabbed his DJ bag containing 100 very rare maxi singles. What a catastrophy! We used to call them “The Happy Hardcore Collection”. Besides gems like “Dominique – The Singing Nun” and “Deutschlands Härteste Oma” we also lost all 3 Smash? albums!! (”Brauchst Du Pervers?”, “Korrekte Atmosphäre” und “Geht schon!” ). And that’s what really hurt!
In a mad fury and with tears in our eyes we made our way through the record stores of Berlin. We had to find the records and get them back! In despair and grief we crouched in front of our computer to see if the degenerated thief tried to sell them on ebay. We were not successful. Maybe the stupid idiot didn’t even realize what he had stolen: A condensate of absolute rare Techno and Hardcore pearls, collected by Reimo on his knees from the 1 Euro sale boxes of record stores all over Europe. While the others where looking for Felt or Aksak Maboul, sanding of course.
This was the end but also the beginning: instead of giving up we started to delve into Marc’s music and his uncountable projects. And slowly a whole world opened before us. Lots of grand music that we most likely missed before:
“?”, 6-Pack, 8 A.M , Ace The Space, Alien Christ, Bellini Bro, Bunker Youth, Children of E, Cyborg Unknown, The Crazy Whistler, The Demonic Force FFM, DJ Puppy, Dogge Team, Dr. Atomic, Dusty Angels, Friends of Alex , Garcia/Castro Bros. Mgmt., Highrollers, Kloficker, Marc-E-Bwoy, Marshall Masters, Mescalinum United, The Mover, Nastx Django, PCP, Pepe Ramirez, The Phuture Project, Pilldriver, Planet Phuture, Planet Core Productions, Project E, Protectors of Bass, Pussy Controller, Rave Creator, Resident E, S.M.F., SexDrive Entertainment, Smash?, Sonic Surfer, Spiritual Combat, Stereo Murder, Suptopia, Suburban Soul, Tilt!, Tumor, Turbulence, Ultra Spaceman, Ultra Tech, Vibrator, White Breaks, Wonderboy…
— and thats how we became even bigger fans!
Today we are asking ourselves if we should probably even thank this damned thief. Maybe he somehow contributed to the fact that we are now able to present this incredible remix to you.
Read the interview to Marc Acardipane in our blog.
We share a certain musical relatedness with this band. We both try to define the borders between pop and dance. First and foremost, it’s about being a live act. It’s about making dance music live. It’s about minimal lyrics that leave space for your own thoughts and for dancing. That’s how we see Rework. They are people who want to offer something and do not want to dictate, they create energy to initiate and inspire the audience, and are always on the run from conventions. We think they are one of the 5 most outstanding bands in germany. They are very special! Their Remix is a dreamy and magnetic minimal track. It is cloudy and dancy. We are looking forward to their next releases!!
Read the interview to Rework in our blog.
Jeans Team “Bomberjäeckchen” (Alpha RMX by Marc Acardipane) from ALKOMERZ on Vimeo.
naja…haut mich nicht vom hocker….klingt wie tausendmal gehört und reichlich abgedroschen
Hey! Great song. Super energetic. Works 100%!
Video also:)!!!
….tausendmal gehoert? bomberjaeckchen????
den club moecht ich mal sehen…..
–der remix is spitzenmaessig und aufn punkt…..voll ins ziel geprot
bomberjaeckchen selbst: fuer fortgeschrittene!
jeans team haben ein neues segel aufgespannt…..mal sehen wer reinblaest!